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Biker safety: If it weren’t such an issue, motorcycle safety courses, books and gear wouldn’t be so readily available. And you wouldn’t see so many “share the road” billboards and “look twice, save a life” bumper stickers as you cruise down the road. In 2015 alone, nearly 5,000 bikers were killed in collisions with motor vehicles; nearly 88,000 were injured. What should you do if you’re hurt in a motorcycle accident? Better question: What should you not do? Here are five mistakes injured motorcyclists should avoid making, courtesy of the personal injury lawyers here at McCormick & Murphy in Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado.
Were you hurt in a motorcycle accident? Call us at 1-719-249-0541 or fill out this form for a free case review. You won’t pay a dime unless we win your case. Let us help you get back to your old self — and back on the road.
Many tips that apply to those injured in car accidents apply to motorcycle accidents, too.
Injured in a bicycle — not a motorcycle — accident? Read our tips on that topic here.
We provide convenient and exceptional legal services to personal injury victims throughout the state of Colorado, we have offices in:
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