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I am very happy with my attorney, Jay Murphy, and the law firm of McCormick & Murphy, P. C. In 2009, I was injured in an auto collision involving a road rage incident in Pueblo, CO. The other driver denied everything and lied to the insurance company. His insurance company ignored me and would not recognize my claim. I contacted some other attorneys but they would not represent me. About 18 months after the collision, I hired Mr. Murphy. He and his staff were very helpful and responsive to my calls and questions. They assisted me throughout each step of the claim process. They helped me get all of my medical bills and liens paid. They negotiated a very good settlement on my behalf and kept me informed throughout. I felt very comfortable with them. I am satisfied with McCormick & Murphy law firm and give them the highest recommendation. Whenever someone mentions they need an attorney, I tell them to call my attorney.
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